Spiritual Direction with Jhéanell

It’s Time To Become The Writer You’ve Always Envisioned Yourself To Be…

  • Heal Your Creative Frequency

    Using affirmations to rewire your brain can powerfully align you with your creative aspirations. Integrating this transformative audio into your daily writing routine will quell your Inner Critic, letting you write with enhanced freedom and confidence.

  • The Westonberry Literary Salon

    Writers need to be community with other writers. The Westonberry Literary Salon is a vibrant hub for writers and readers. Dive into our dynamic tapestry of shared resources, creative frequency healing gatherings, write-in sessions, writing workshops, and captivating book discussions. Beyond the page, we come alive with enlightening field trips and rejuvenating retreats. At The Westonberry, we champion the power of words and the bonds formed around them. Join us, and let's celebrate literary magic together.

  • Writer Recovery

    Imagine if we could reach back in time to console and heal that younger version of you who once felt wounded as a Creative. Perhaps, during your formative years, an event caused you to diminish your innate artistic prowess. Now, that very same youthful spirit seems to unintentionally sabotage your current endeavors. Despite the undeniable talent coursing through you and the profound urge to chase your creative aspirations, it's as if you're bound, restricted. Even with past achievements you modestly overlook, each effort feels like plucking a fruit that soon withers. It’s essential we address the root cause, pull it up and heal it. The child or teenager within you aims to shield you from harm. This part of you has cunningly made you believe that your current frustrations are more bearable than any potential disappointment. It's crucial to understand: your Inner Artist, that youthful spirit, craves healing, reassurance, and the knowledge that they are safe and cherished. Let’s go from Wounded Writer to Abundant Artist.